Thank you Nosipho Sithole from Siyavula for the wonderful feedback on the projects we’ve worked on with you since 2019 and your kind recommendation:
“Besides the well-known open textbooks, Siyavula offers a digital Maths and Science practice platform that gives learners access to an unlimited number of Mathematics and Physical Science questions with instant feedback and full solutions. Teachers are able to track the progress and performance of their learners and generate reports. Subject Advisors can review the progress of schools in their districts.
Flying Cows of Jozi provided us with facilitators to register learners and demonstrate how to use the platform optimally across 40 schools in Gauteng. Over and above this, each school was allocated a School Support Specialist, who was responsible for providing technical support to learners and focused on driving learner activity. They also trained and supported teachers in incorporating the platform in the classroom and reviewing reports on learner progress.
Working with skilled individuals with a good understanding of merging ICT and education has been a pleasure. The assistance we received from Flying Cows of Jozi has helped us in growing our learner and teacher base in Gauteng and we would recommend a partnership with them.”
The Flying Cows who worked on our latest Siyavula project in 2021 are Mafusi Mpelane and Siyabonga Mthethwa who both hold a BEd Honours in ICT in Education.

They enjoyed being able to put the classroom management lessons from their studies into practice during this project and their feedback reflects that they’ve learned a lot about the value of the Siyavula platform and what it contributes to education: “I have learned that we don’t need expensive gadgets or equipment to integrate ICT in education.” says Siyabonga and Mafusi adds “I learned about patience, being friendly and always go to schools prepared. Understand what you’re doing, the platform you’re using because learners tend to ask questions”
They both picked up the importance of the role of teachers as mediators between the platform and the learners and believe that if the teachers are not active on the platform learners won’t be active either.
Are you also interested in giving wings to your plans for 21st century education? We gladly share our valuable insights and services, just contact us at and we’ll take off from there!